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Unfolding 19/20 - Snapshot of Council’s draft Annual Plan for 2019/20

April, 2019

Unfolding 19/20 - Snapshot of Council’s draft Annual Plan for 2019/20

We've put together a snazzy 2-page summary of the Annual Plan 2019 highlights for consultation. All of the documentation is available on our website under Quicklinks - Draft Annual Plan 2019 on our homepage, with links to all of the supporting documents - including a submission form so you can have your say.

Here's a link to the draft Annual Plan page on our website:

Here's a list of all the public meetings about the draft Annual Plan:

You can also make a submission online:

Unfolding 19/20 - Snapshot of Council’s draft Annual Plan for 2019/20

Rubbish and Recycling
This is a fast-changing landscape both internationally (particularly China) and nationally and Council decided to defer any decision on how to proceed until more information becomes available. Recycling facilities will continue at transfer stations and Council will continue to investigate options.

Bulls Community Centre
One of the key issues signalled in the Long Term Plan was town centre developments and the Bulls Community Centre was the first cab off the rank. Construction has begun and is expected to be completed by December 2019, and fully functional by early 2020. A group is being formed to consider options for the old library site.

Proposed Marton Civic Centre
A feasibility study / concept design is underway following the Council’s purchase of three heritage listed buildings in Marton’s main street. The main options are retaining all the street facades and significant internal heritage features and building behind the facades or demolishing the buildings and starting anew. This is a key point for upcoming public consultation alongside the merits of remaining at the existing sites being examined in a business case.

Taihape Memorial Park Facilities
Council has already made the decision to build a new changing, shower and toilet facility in the Park. Community consultation is ongoing about the final design brief. A budget of $1.2M is included in the draft 2019/20 Annual Plan with $200,000 to be raised externally.

Puturino Landfill Remediation
This has featured in the media recently after heavy rains and Mother Nature changed the course of the Rangitikei River, exposing part of the old Puturino landfill. Horizons is managing the realignment of the River to prevent further erosion and rubbish entering the waterway. Once that is done, Council will investigate how to contain the landfill. The estimated cost for a solution is $500,000.

There has been much media coverage of PFAS at Ohakea Air Force base – per and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances- and its environmental impact. While the Ministry of Health has advised there is no risk to public health from the traces of PFAS in Bulls water, Council is sending samples of water overseas for more rigorous testing. Estimated costs are likely to be less than $5,000.

Replacement Water Reservoir for Bulls
A new reservoir is planned for Bulls to meet earthquake requirements, increase water pressure, and to increase fire-fighting capacity.

Marton Water
Ongoing manganese and seasonal algae problems at Marton reservoirs have prompted Council to undertake a “Marton Water Supply Strategy” which will look at the raw water source, treatment, storage and reticulation network. This will complement ongoing water pipe replacement work signalled in the Long Term Plan.

Marton / Bulls Wastewater
The Long Term Plan heralded the end of Marton’s wastewater going into the Tutaenui stream and instead pipe the wastewater onto land south-west of Bulls. The project will be associated with a similar shift from the Bulls wastewater plant discharging into the Rangitikei River. This is the largest and most complex infrastructure project undertaken in the District. Work will begin in 2019/20 with the purchase of land and plans for the pipeline between Marton and Bulls.

Improving Recreational Facilities
A number of upgrades are planned to Council’s parks including playgrounds and toilet facilities. With the recent addition of a new skatepark at Marton Centennial Park and planned upgrade of the playground at Marton Memorial Park larger numbers of visitors are expected. As a result, Council is investigating additional toilet facilities at both sites and has applied for external funding of $270,000 which will be topped up by $30,000 from Council if the funding is successful.

Improving Resilience to Climate Change
Council is aware that climate change will have a significant impact on our region, notably on roads in the event of flooding. This means a larger investment into stormwater systems, especially in Marton, and finding longer term solutions for communities like Whangaehu and Kauangaroa.
Lowering our carbon footprint is important and was a key driver in the lower energy design of the Bulls Community Centre.

Unwanted Cats
Feral and unwanted cats are a real problem in our district. Submissions on the revised Animal Control Bylaw supported de-sexing of cats and a proposal to include a $5,000 to assist owners with the costs.
Council also felt that micro-chipping should be included – a view strongly supported by the Companion Animal Council. Over time, de-sexing and microchipping will lead to a reduction in the number of unwanted cats.
More information on this issue is included in the Annual Plan.

Supporting the new St John Ambulance station in Taihape
Council is proposing to include a $50,000 provision towards the $837,043 estimated price of the new facility.

More Information
For information on how to make a submission, where and when you can attend a public meeting, or to view the full Consultation Document and draft Annual Plan visit our website –