Building Community - update on the New Bulls Community Centre
December, 2019

Building community is a people occupation – a chat over the fence, looking out for one another or working together on a project. These activities are all part of creating community. And throughout Rangitīkei communities are coming alive, meeting challenges and creating wonderful facilities; so much so that our District and towns are becoming more and more inviting as the place we want to make our home.
The Bulls Community Centre is just one of those community-creating projects. Residents have banded together with corporate sponsors and raised over $130,000 towards the new Centre. This has been a fantastic effort. But it is not over yet! As the project heads towards its construction completion date of 30 March 2020 there is plenty of opportunity for creative, community-based, fund-raising activities. If you have a crazy, or not-so-crazy idea, see if you can get together with friends and make it happen. You can also make a donation if you wish. See the information on how to do this at the end of this story.
Meanwhile a lot of progress has been made on the new Community Centre building recently and it’s exciting to see it going up and being closed in. Councillors had a sneak peek inside a few weeks back and were pleased to see that the stage had been formed, the internal staircase had been installed and some of the windows were in place.
Getting the roof on is always a significant milestone in any building project and so it will be with this one – it’s all but on! And now the insulation is currently being installed, along with the sprinkler system and water tank for fire protection.
The new Community Centre will not only provide an amazing facility for indoor activities and events but the inclusion of a ‘town square’ will give a focus and a gathering place for the people of Bulls. The design for the town square is well advanced and quotes for its construction are currently being sought.
The Community Centre will replace the existing Bulls Town Hall, Bulls Library and Information Centre. The facility will provide car parking and will house a bus interchange for travellers heading north, south, east and west.
The Bulls Ward Councillors were pleased to go on site and see the progress for themselves, first hand. Cr Jane Dunn said “it’s so great to see the building take shape, this is going to be an amazing iconic asset for not only the people of Bulls but all of the Rangitikei.”
Newly elected Southern Ward Councillors Waru Panapa and Brian Carter are both very proud and pleased to be part of this project and are looking forward to seeing it open next year and the venue hosting a number of community events at the new Centre. Once construction has been completed the building will be fitted-out, we will keep you updated with progress and the opening date.
Donations / Pledges
At the end of November over $130,000 had been raised towards this project – from the Community and Corporate donations. This is a fantastic effort.
There is still time if you want to donate:
- donations of $1,000—$4,000 will be acknowledged on the Wall of Fame
- donations of $500 will qualify you to have a seat in the Town Hall and acknowledgement in the Town Square
- donations of $250 will be acknowledged in the Town Square.
Donations can be named or anonymous, please contact Bronwyn Meads on for more information or download a form from Council’s website.
Panoramic view of the inside of Bulls Community Centre
Rendition of Bulls Community Centre