Calling all keen gardeners
February, 2019

Rangitikei District Council announced just prior to Christmas that it had received a grant of more than $73,000 from Te Uru Rākau (Forestry New Zealand) to create a native forest and walkway at Tutaenui Reservoir, also known as Marton Dams B.
That translates into around 17,000 eco-sourced native plants. This is the most significant planting of its kind in the region for many years. Parks and Reserves Team Leader Athol Sanson says community help is critical to getting the plants into the ground this winter.
Parks and Reserves Team Leader Athol Sanson says a diverse range of trees were grown from seed mostly sourced from plants naturally occurring within 20km of this site. There will be smaller growing trees to large forest giants such as kahikatea and totara, along with a range of wetland species.
The selection of trees follows the species selected in The Tutaenui Water Reservoir Development Plan prepared by Boffa Miskell earlier this year.
The plan incorporates 7.8 km of track over a 10-year period. Initially, 4.6km of track will be developed for planting access, and subsequently turned into public walking tracks.
Anyone wishing to be part of the planting group can ring RDC reception on 0800 422 522 or 06 327 0099 during office hours and leave their name and contact phone number.
We’ll be in touch when we know planting dates and times.